linkedin marketing

Never Use This Letter When Marketing on LinkedIn

Want to learn how our client are having great success on LinkedIn with their marketing? It’s because they are not using a specific letter and/or word when they are reaching out to connect to potential prospects. #GiDMarketing #GetItDoneMarketing

Hey, everybody. Small Business Stacey. Where are you spending your time on social media? Most are tending to lean towards Facebook or Instagram. My clients are having huge success on LinkedIn. It's a platform that really everybody tends to check into every day, but because it has this business aura around it, nobody feels like they're being pitched or sold to. But the key is to build those connection requests and start engaging. Unfortunately, this is how most people go about it. They start with the letter I. "I would love to connect with you. I do this. I do that. I looked at your profile and saw that you did this, this, this, would you like to connect?" It all starts with I, or we, and it's really nothing more than chest beating. So if you're frustrated with the results that you're getting on LinkedIn when trying to make those connection requests, stop using the letter I.

Take the time to research the person, the company that you really want to build a relationship and make it about them. Change the first letter of your sentence to something that's about that person, that company that would give them a reason to want to raise their hand and engage with you. I'm going to challenge you over the next week to try it. It's really hard to do, to not start a sentence with the letter I. Leave a comment below on how you're using this and more importantly, the results you're seeing. Are you getting more people talking, accepting your connection requests? Are you getting more engagement on LinkedIn? Thanks for participating.

About the Author Stacey Riska

Stacey Riska is a serial entrepreneur who eats, breathes and lives marketing. She's on a mission to help businesses stop chasing shiny objects and instead focus on building the foundations of a solid marketing strategy. She's the author of "Small Business Marketing Made EZ" and "Cups to Gallons". When she's not busy helping businesses get their marketing into ACTION, she loves spending time with her husband, a great bottle of red, and chocolate (who wouldn't!)
